Conference: The Future of High Nature Value farming in Romania, Cluj Napoca, Romania

The AGRARIA Fair in Cluj-Napoca is the 2nd largest agricultural show in Romania and on 22 April 2018 it hosted an important conference on “The Future of High Nature Value Farming in Romania” The conference was organized by Prof. Dr. Mugurel Jitea and his team at USAMV Cluj-Napoca as part of the H2020 HNVLink project. The conference was opened by the prefect of Cluj County Aurel Cherecheș and among the invited speakers there were representatives of the EIP-Agri Service Point, the Romanian Ministry of Forests and Waters, Foundation ADEPT, LAG Someș Transilvan and the AgroTransilvania Cluster. Mark REDMAN, Director of Highclere Consulting, was also invited as a keynote speaker.

”Congratulations to Dr. Jitea and his team. This was a well-attended event with lots of rich discussion about the real opportunities for HNV farming in Romania”, said Mark Redman after the event. “I was very happy to participate and to share some thoughts and observations from from our SALSA and AgriLink projects. We are doing our best to connect H2020 projects here in Romania”.