The Eureka project has set up the FarmBook platform, a two-way platform that will connect farmers, foresters, advisors, scientists and policy makers.

What is Eureka

Eureka has built on the experience gained in the EURAKNOS project, where best practices from all Horizon 2020 projects have been brought together with a thematic network approach in a Knowledge Repository (KR).

FARMBOOK platform

EUREKA has set up an open-source electronic platform, FarmBook, based on a multi-actor (MA) community, starting from mapping the knowledge demand of end-users (farmers, scientists, policy makers, advisors) and cultivating best practices from over 120 MA projects.

Our Role

Highclere Consulting (HCC) coordinated information and knowledge transfer activities in EUREKA with specific responsibility for promoting and improving the use of project results.


  • 21 partners from 15 EU countries
  • 6 partners from CEE countries
  • 63 connections with multi-actor projects
  • 48 signed recommendations for project support