FARMWELL‘s main objective is to ensure that farmers, farming families and communities benefit fully from social innovation research and practices, which in turn will strengthen farmers’ well-being and the links between the agricultural sector and society as a whole.
This main objective is divided into four (specific) operational objectives (SOs) that link the overall objective to the implementation dimensions of FARMWELL as follows:
SO1: Facilitate multi-actor exchange and networking at both national and European level around specific social challenges faced by farmers and farm families and related social innovation solutions, resulting in participatory learning and an increased flow of information and practical ideas.
SO2: Provide a synthesis of research and practice on the social challenges of farmers and farm families and social innovations as possible responses to them, reflecting a wide range of geographical, sectoral and agricultural contexts.
SO3: Present and make available to farmers social innovation research and practices with a view to the specific needs of farmers and farm families (both in terms of content and channels); and in a way that ensures better uptake of practices and ultimately improves farm viability and strengthens connections with society.
SO4: Ensure long-term sustainability of results through effective exploitation and dissemination, improving support to advisory services effectively to farmers and farm families; and contributing to a supportive policy environment.
Our Role
The FARMWELL Thematic Network is important to us because it gives us a public platform to engage with the social challenges of rural life that are commonly experienced (but rarely discussed openly!) in villages and rural households.
Challenges related to the gradual erosion of self-esteem, well-being and mental health, challenges faced by young people, their parents and grandparents as they struggle to maintain their family traditions, cultural heritage and connection to the land, while being drawn to the promise of employment and a better quality of life in nearby cities and beyond are at the heart of our focus.
There are millions of small farmers in Romania. They exist as individuals, as families and households and as communities – and their welfare is constantly neglected!