HCC Blog Articles
All the articles from our blog.
VISIONARY: Second SPI Workshop
At the end of the workshop, it was emphasized the need to prioritise local gastronomy in tourism and to support the development of an integrated regional tourism in Brașov County
MOVING: Scotland Cross-country visit
One of the key objectives of the MOVING project was to create an EU multi-actor platform...
MOVING: HCC Summer School
The Summer School took shape at the beginning of 2024 and in March we started to promote it among young people in Brașov County.
VISIONARY: Cross-country visit
The workshop took place from the 20th to 22nd of May in Brașov and brought together 9 researchers from Europe and 3 researchers from Romania.
MOVING: Cross-country visit to Romania
Between the 22nd and 26th of April, we hosted a regional cross-country visit to Romania, welcoming three MOVING partners..
FoodSHIFT2030: Local Gastronomic Points – from concept to operation
The basic principle of a Local Gastronomic Point (LGP) is to create a space in the household of the small (or medium-sized) producer that is willing to carry on the tradition and authentic taste.
About COCOREADO and the experience of being an ambassador in a European research project
COCOREADO is a European research project that aims to COnnect COnsumers and producers to RE-balance farmers’ position through the formation of AmbassaDOrs.
FoodSHIFT2023: Young people’s vision of the food system in Brașov in 2040
Are young people in Brașov thinking about their food source? What criteria determine their food choices? What is their vision of the state of the food system in 2040, when they will be adults?
Planning for the future of Țara Făgăraș, as the local people want it to be
Several key stakeholders from Brașov met to discuss the future of the Țara Făgărașului region in Cobor. The workshop held on the 16th of March 2023, at the Cobor Household, aimed to bring together local and county public authorities, local entrepreneurs and NGOs from the area and to debate several forecasts about the future of the area in 2050.
FARMWELL: Examples of social innovations
The FARMWELL project set out to address the challenges that farming communities face when it comes to social, physical and mental wellbeing. In the six partner countries, the challenges differ so widely and run so deep.
FARMWELL: Connecting farming communities
FARMWELL is a thematic network and is one of the first projects to focus exclusively on promoting social innovations in different national and local contexts to improve the mental, physical and social well-being of farmers and their families.
MOVING – sustainable tourism and developing mountain areas in Romania
MOVING is a Horizon 2020 project, carried out between 2020 and 2024 and gathering 23 partner organisations. The project aims to build capacities and co-develop policy frameworks across Europe, and to establish new or upscaled value chains to contribute to the resilience and sustainability of mountain areas.
FAL Brașov Showcase
Between the 6th and the 8th of September, FAL Brașov had the chance to host the FoodSHIFT2030 partners and invite them to take part in the FAL Brașov experience!
29th September: International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste
Every year, the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste is celebrated on 29th of September to draw attention to the need to change the way food is produced and consumed.
FoodSHIFT Brasov: About sustainable food systems, small producers, healthy food and engaged communities
During the week of 5 - 11 September, dedicated to the Forum of Green Cities (FOV) in Brasov, Highclere Consulting S.R.L. contributed to the FOV objective by highlighting the theme of "sustainable food" at the city level, through a workshop organised within the framework of the European FoodSHIFT2030 Project.
We stand for Ukraine!
If you want to help and you don't know how, the most important thing you can do is to verify the information you read. We prepared some infos and reliable sources bellow and we will try to update them constantly.
FARMWELL: Social wellbeing of farmers
FARMWELL is part of a thematic network and is one of the first projects to focus exclusively on promoting social innovations in different national and local contexts to improve the mental, physical and social well-being of farmers and their families.
Importance of the AKIS for sustainable agriculture in the Danube River Basin
Mark Redman asks the question - do all farmers in the DRB have access to the information, advice and training they need for making the transition towards more sustainable farming methods?
European Rural Innovation Contest – EURIC
In January 2019, the Horizon 2020 project "LIAISON" launched a Europe-wide competition to look for innovative, inspiring and topical initiatives in agriculture, forestry and the agri-food supply chain.
Rural Networking – does it get any more exciting?
Policy networks are increasingly important in rural development where it is recognized that the success of any rural development policy is not only based upon the delivery of adequate funding [...], but also depends upon the fostering of good ideas and the sharing of experiences.
Digitization in Romanian Agriculture
A clear 2030 digital agenda is now emerging whereby the European Commission and major farming organisations are convinced that a long-term policy perspective focused on digitization will attract more investment and more young people into agriculture, whilst contributing significantly to the resilience and sustainability of the sector.
Smart Villages: an idea whose time has finally come for Romania?
Smart Villages can be understood as “rural communities that refuse to wait for change to happen to them”. Such communities are made up of rural people who take the initiative to mobilise themselves [...] for improving their quality of life and standard of living.
AGRILINK – Delivering Financial Advice for Varasti Cooperative Members
On November 28 - 29th 2018 Highclere Consulting, together with our financial consultant Mr Ion Dumitru, organized two Living Lab sessions with 32 members of the Cooperativa Agricolă Carrefour Vărăști in Giurgiu county.
AGRILINK – Living Lab – Second training in Leuven
The Romanian Living Lab’s case caught our colleagues’ attention as they were curious about the lack of public advisory engagement in fiscal support to small farmers. I referred again to the PRO AKIS study and my own recent research where it is shown the collapse of public advisory system [...]
SALSA Bistrița-Năsăud: Limited subsidies for small farmers
Although subsidies are welcome, they only provide the limit for the survival of small farmers, as they have said in Măgura Ilvei. Many said that without subsidies would not keep even a cow.
AGRILINK – Carrfour Vărăști Cooperative will have its first Living Lab
In April 2018 I met with two farmers’ groups that were potential candidates for the Living Lab. Following these meetings, we had very long discussions about whether we could work with both, as we planned.
AGRILINK – Reconsidering our scope: Farmers’ groups evaluation
Coming back from the training in Leuven I took some time to think about what we learned and reconsider our aims and what resources are available.
AGRILINK – First Living Lab Team Training
The aim of the AgriLink Living Labs is to develop and test improved innovation support services with potential to stimulate the transition to more sustainable forms of agriculture. We assume that doing this in a Living Lab (real life) setting [...] leads to better results.
AGRILINK – Challenges before launching the Living Lab
In the previous blog post I presented the research work I completed about Romanian advisory services, both public and private. Now for the context of the Romanian Living Lab, to reflect on challenges at the start of this adventure.
Subsistence agriculture a socio-economic reality without a future
Despite the technical, industrial advances in Romania and certain economic sectors that are highly developed, there is a large proportion of the population that has been far behind than some of us can see.
AGRILINK – Exploring The Romanian Advisory Services
In AgriLink, one thing we want to know is who’s an information and inspiration to the farmers – the ones that nurture us.