We have a broad base of ongoing policy analysis activities and are actively involved as a non-academic partner (SME) in several Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects.

Horizon 2020

Over the years we have been key partners in various Horizon 2020 projects focusing on small farms, innovation, sustainable agriculture, advisory systems, food, mountain areas and social innovation.

Horizon Europe

Durint 2022 – 2027 we are key partners in four projects funded by the new programme, Horizon Europe, focusing on providing best practices for farmers, sustainable food systems, nutrient management in agriculture and improving the development of multi-actor project proposals.

In the period 2016-2022

we supported the evaluation of EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) measures contributing to sustainable management of natural resources and climate action.
This work is carried out on behalf of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI). In 2017 we prepared a detailed case study for Romania on payment for agricultural practices beneficial to the climate and the environment (‘greening’ direct payments).