
FoodSHIFT2030 puts citizens at the heart of changing food systems through a new approach to scale up, multiply and share the best food innovations that European communities have to offer.

From January 2020,

The FoodSHIFT2030 project launches an ambitious citizens’ initiative: the transition to a sustainable food system, encouraging more plant-based diets that benefit people’s health and the environment.

Christian Bugge Henriksen, who heads the Climate and Food Security Research Group at the University of Copenhagen, coordinates the project. The project features a strong multi-stakeholder consortium of 31 partners composed of local governments, SMEs, NGOs, universities, research institutions and network partners, including Highclere Consulting.

“Supporting the transformative power of citizens already engaged in developing solutions for a sustainable and innovative food system in European city regions, FoodSHIFT2030 aims to increase jobs in the food sector, boost small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), empower citizens and facilitate urban-rural cohesion. In doing so, we aim to have a positive, lasting impact on the sustainability of the food system that will continue after the project ends,” says Christian Bugge Henriksen.

Improving innovation in FoodSHIFT accelerator labs

The citizen-driven rapid transition of the food system will be initiated in FoodSHIFT Accelerator Labs in nine city regions: Greater Athens, Avignon, Barcelona, Bari, Brasov, Berlin, Copenhagen, Oostende and Wroclaw. Subsequently, the knowledge will be transferred to Enable FoodSHIFT Labs in twenty-seven regions. Each lab will work on growing, combining and improving existing innovations in the food system within a specific innovation objective.

The environmental, economic and societal benefits of food system innovations will be determined by assessing their effects on a set of FoodSHIFT indicators. Strategies and consultative plans for citizen-driven food system governance will be co-created to support food system transition and foster market uptake in participating city regions.

Our Role

Highclere Consulting (HCC) will lead the Lab in Brasov, which will focus on integrating local producers of predominantly small, traditional products into an innovative and ambitious regional food system that fosters a local food economy and revives the region’s gastronomic heritage. All actors in the food system will be invited to join and contribute to accelerate relevant food system innovations for the development of the “Interactive Food Lab”. The Lab in Brasov will be hosted by the Brasov Metropolitan Agency and supported by Iceberg Consulting.

Follow us (here) to find out more about the activities of the Lab’s working groups!

Innovation Labs


Project Duration:
January 2020 – December 2023