HCC News

What’s new at HCC

European project “PRO-WILD” to protect and promote crop wild relatives launched

A ground-breaking European initiative, "PRO-WILD," has officially commenced with the aim of protecting and promoting crop wild relatives (CWR) that are closely related to commonly cultivated plants.

FoodSHIFT Brasov: About sustainable food systems, small producers, healthy food and engaged communities

During the week of 5 - 11 September, dedicated to the Forum of Green Cities (FOV) in Brasov, Highclere Consulting S.R.L. contributed to the FOV objective by highlighting the theme of "sustainable food" at the city level, through a workshop organised within the framework of the European FoodSHIFT2030 Project.

FoodSHIFT 2030 project announces food system support for COVID-19 recovery

The project has established a dedicated COVID-19 Task Force, focused on supporting the project’s nine FoodSHIFT Accelerator Labs in implementing solutions at the citizen level to address the short, medium and long-term impacts of COVID-19.
Future farmers

Farmers of the Future – A mix of foresight and design approaches

15 Farmers from and around Brașov area will participate, Thursday, Feb 20th in a workshop which is part of a foresight study run by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and which aims to identify possible future professional and social roles of farmers in 2040 and to explore resulting potential implications for relevant EU policies.

Food 4.0 Brasov: How to innovate the food sector in the region

Last week, a “Workshop on entrepreneurial discovery” was organized in Brasov, to generate a direct collaboration between the actors in the food value chain. The main purpose: create ideas for projects that will subsequently benefit from funding through relevant regional or European programs.

LIASION2020: Civitas Foundation won the Rural Innovation Ambassador Award with Nod Verde project

In January 2019 the Horizon 2020 project LIAISON launched a Europe-wide contest, EURIC,  with the aim of seeking-out innovative, inspiring and ground-breaking initiatives from within farming, forestry and the agri-food supply chain.

FoodSHIFT2030: an innovative project about the future of food in Europe, implemented in Brasov by a multi-disciplinary partnership.

Starting with January 2020, the project "FoodSHIFT2030: Food System Hubs Innovating towards Fast Transition by 2030", launches an ambitious citizen initiative: the transition to a sustainable food system, which encourages more plant-based nutrition, with beneficial effects for the health of the population and the protection of the environment.

SALSA: Who will feed us in 2050? And how 2030 will look like?

Stakeholders relevant to small farmers and small foods’ business gather recently in Bucharest for a participatory foresight workshop aimed at helping them distil for small farmers’ contribution to Food and Nutritional Security by the 2030 and 2050 time horizons.

SALSA: Achieving FNS beyond 2020 though enabling conditions for small farms, Rome

During the week of May 14th to 16th, Highclere Consulting organized a meeting with the coordinators of the WP6 ‘Enabling Conditions for Smallholder Farmers’ part of the SALSA project. The meeting, held in Rome and hosted by our partner Coldiretti, gathered 17 partners working both in European and African regions.

Conference: “The Future of High Nature Value farming in Romania”, Cluj Napoca, Romania

The AGRARIA Fair in Cluj-Napoca is the second largest agricultural show in Romania and on 22 April 2018 it hosted an important conference on "The Future of High Nature Value Farming in Romania" organized by Prof. Dr. Mugurel Jitea and his team at USAMV Cluj-Napoca as part of the H2020 HNVLink project.

SALSA Annual meeting: fieldwork and stakeholders engagement

At the beginning of 2018, from 22nd to 26th of January, 45 project’s partners meet in Valencia, Spain, to discuss about the first 20 months of their SALSA work, in 10 pioneer regions from Europe and Africa. The discussion revolved around fieldwork, stakeholders’ engagement, data collection, communication.

Highclere Consulting at Global Food Security Conference in Cape Town

The 3rd International Conference on Global Food Security: Global Challenges, Local Solutions and Connected Pathways took place between 3-6 December 2017 in Cape Town, South Africa.

AGRILINK: Highclere Consulting at the second Consortium meeting, Vila Real

The AgriLink consortium met for the second time on 9-10 November 2017 to discuss and move forward the project’s conceptual framework, case study work and Living Labs.