MOVING: Planning for the future of Țara Făgăraș, as the local people want it to be
Several key stakeholders from Brașov met to discuss the future of the Țara Făgărașului region in Cobor. The workshop held on the 16th of March 2023, at the Cobor Household, aimed to bring together local and county public authorities, local entrepreneurs and NGOs from the area and to debate several forecasts about the future of the area in 2050. An initiative of the MOVING project, the debate process focused on the following topics: how we want the Țara Făgărașului micro-region to look like in 2050, existing needs and constraints to reach the desired future, and steps to be followed.
Most discussions revolved around the following problems: lack of funding, lack of transport and visitor infrastructure, lack of human resources, lack of a Destination Management Organisation, inconsistency in development and promotion, and poor collaboration between authorities, private entities and NGOs. Following the conclusions of this first meeting, those present expressed their intention to collaborate more closely in the future and even to contribute to the creation of an eco-certified tourism destination Țara Făgărașului, starting by setting up a management organisation, together with stakeholders from Sibiu county, steps that will be followed in 2023 and 2024.
For better representation and interaction, participants worked in three groups: public authorities (representatives of Brașov County Council, the Romanian Parliament, representatives of Viștea and Ticuș communes, the Local Action Group Association “Răsăritul Țării Făgărașului”, the Brașov Environmental Protection Agency, National Agency for Protected Natural Areas Brașov, Environmental Guard), local entrepreneurs (Carpathian Nature Tours, Microgreens Țara Făgărașului, Travel Carpathia, Șura Culinară Șomartin, Museum of Canvases and Stories, Casa Terra) and civil society (Association Poveștile Carpaților, Association S.O.S Țara Făgărașului, Comperio Medela Association, Făgăraș Research Institute Association, Romania Ecotourism Association, Stefan Câlița Foundation).
In the future, the public authorities wish to include the integration of the Intercommunity Development Association Regional Centre for Sustainable Development and Tourism Promotion “Țara Făgărașului” in the Destination Management Organisation developed at the county level of Brașov and there is openness for the development of a Destination Management Organisation at intra-county level (i.e.: Brașov and Sibiu counties). The private sector will focus on supporting vocational schools (craftsmen) and developing internship programmes, organising events for the integrated promotion of the area, opening a dialogue between the public and private sectors, and referring to public authorities the problems encountered by entrepreneurs and concrete proposals for improving legislation.
Civil society representatives proposed the development of a Federation of NGOs in Țara Făgărașului, which together with the Intercommunity Development Association Regional Centre for Sustainable Development and Tourism Promotion “Țara Făgărașului” and the Association of Entrepreneurs of Țara Făgărașului will compose the coordination and administration board of the micro-region Țara Făgărașului. At the same time, a joint calendar of events will be developed and communication in the area and promotion of the area will be improved. The full report of the meeting can be downloaded here.
The MOVING project aims to contribute to the development of European policies by improving existing mountain value chains or creating new ones to support the resilience and sustainability of mountain regions. This year, the next activities in the project will involve a detailed analysis of the optional quality label “Mountain Product”, including producer and consumer perspectives, and the piloting of a summer school to discuss sustainability issues in tourism and the food system with young people in Brașov. Read more about the project here.
Alina Alexa, Highclere Consulting