Farmers of the Future – A mix of foresight and design approaches
15 Farmers from and around Brașov area will participate, Thursday, Feb 20th in a workshop which is part of a foresight study run by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and which aims to identify possible future professional and social roles of farmers in 2040 and to explore resulting potential implications for relevant EU policies.
The event is organised by Highclere Consulting (HCC) with the JRC at CATTIA Brașov (Business centre, technologic transfer and business incubator)
The study will combine different methodological approaches and is exploratory in nature. In order to achieve its goal, the study will:
- Identify relevant drivers of change and analyse how these drivers might influence the role of farmers in the future
- Generate insights into farmer’s views on possible future developments
- Explore possible consequences the changing farmer roles may have for relevant EU policies
In order to accomplish the objectives a highly participatory approach will be taken involving key players and stakeholders.
The Common Agricultural Policy puts farmers at the core of its actions. The 2017 Commission Communication “The Future of Food and Farming”[1] credits farmers with guaranteeing food security for over 500 million European citizens and being the first stewards of the natural environment. It fashions the role of the policy to “bring out the very best from the Union’s farm sector and rural area (…) and to support farmers in anticipating and dealing with future relevant challenges and developments.”
„We are very curious to see how our local farmers will react – their profile is rather different from other parts of the European Union.” said Mark Redman, HCC
The project is conducted in close collaboration between the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI).
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[1] COM(2017) 713 final