AGRILINK: Highclere at 2nd Consortium meeting, Vila Real
The AgriLink consortium met for the second time on 9-10 November 2017 to discuss and move forward the project’s conceptual framework, case study work and Living Labs.
The meeting was hosted by University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and organized together with INRA and INRA Transfer. Around 40 people participated in a busy agenda with much interaction and discussion. After a short update from AgriLink Project Co-ordinator, Pierre Labarthe, the meeting kicked-off with a lively debate about the multi-level conceptual framework (WP1), including some important reflection on the relationship between agricultural innovation and sustainability. Intensive parallel discussions followed about the innovation case studies due to be undertaken in 26 Focus Regions (WP2), plus progress with the planning and setting-up of the six Living Labs in WP3.
Throughout the meeting, participants were reminded of the importance of WP5 which will integrate all data and lessons learnt in WPs 2, 3 and 4 in order to formulate recommendations for dissemination and exploitation (WP6).
Many discussions inevitably spilled over into Day 2 of the meeting, but a number of important methodological issues were quickly resolved and action points agreed. Watch this space for more news of the innovation case studies!
The meeting concluded with an interactive session on communication activities (WP6) and the agreement of clear next steps for the active engagement of all partners in boosting the efficiency and effectiveness of both internal and external communication. The meeting was lead by Highclere team.
The 3rd AgriLink consortium meeting is provisionally planned for June 2018.